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Press Releases
2/27 Humble Bundle: Think Like a Programmer by No Starch
11/28 Humble Bundle: Hacking by No Starch
9/12 Humble Bundle: Linux by No Starch
5/2 Humble Bundle: Python by No Starch
2/28 Humble Bundle: Joy of Coding
11/29 Humble Bundle: Hacking by No Starch
8/30 Humble Bundle: Machine Learning
8/20 Ethical Hacking
6/8 No Starch Press Donates 5,000 Kids Coding Workbooks
05/17 Humble Bundle: Learn You More Python
03/15 Humble Bundle: Learn You More Code
11/30 Humble Book Bundle: Hacking 101
9/28 Humble Book Bundle: Learn to Code the Fun Way
12/2 Humble Book Bundle: Data Science
10/28 Humble Book Bundle: Linux & BSD Bookshelf
8/20 Humble Book Bundle: Python Programming
6/20 Real-World Bug Hunting
5/27 Humble Book Bundle: Hacking 2.0
5/14 A Beginner's Guide to 3D Modeling
5/9 The Official Scratch Coding Cards
4/25 Make Your Own Twine Games
4/23 Make Your Own Pixel Art
4/9 Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition
4/4 The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition
3/26 Python Flash Cards
2/21 The LEGO Zoo
2/19 The LEGO Neighborhood Book 2
2/12 The LEGO BOOST Idea Book
1/31 Math Adventures with Python
1/29 Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi
12/21 The LEGO Architecture Idea Book
12/20 LEGO Micro Cities
12/17 Humble Book Bundle: Hacking for the Holidays
12/13 The Computer Science Activity Book
12/12 The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book, Volume 2
12/4 The LEGO BOOST Activity Book
10/30 Mission Python
10/25 A Beginner's Guide to Circuits
10/16 The Game Console
10/04 New LEGO titles—just in time for the holidays!
09/24 Humble Book Bundle: Learn You Some Code
08/28 Pentesting Azure Applications
08/23 The Manga Guide to Cryptography
08/01 The Rust Programming Language
04/24 Coding iPhone Apps for Kids
03/23 Practical Packet Analysis, 3rd Edition
03/02 Arduino Playground
01/25 Penguin Random House Publisher Services Sales and Distribution Agreement
12/08 Facebook for Seniors
12/06 Scratch Coding Cards
11/30 Beautiful Minecraft
11/29 Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
11/16 Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition
11/09 Humble Book Bundle: LEGO
10/24 Scratch Programming Playground
10/21 The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide, 2nd Edition
10/14 Practical Forensic Imaging
10/10 The Hardware Hacker
09/30 The LEGO Animation Book
09/15 The CS Detective
09/12 Game Hacking
09/06 Geeky LEGO Crafts
08/25 The LEGO Christmas Ornaments Book
08/17 Humble Book Bundle: The Joy of Coding
08/03 The Book of R
07/08 Electronics for Kids
06/30 Arduino Project Handbook
06/14 Tiny LEGO Wonders
05/24 The Manga Guide to Regression Analysis
04/27 Humble Book Bundle: Hacking
04/22 Learn to Program with Small Basic
02/26 The Car Hacker's Handbook
02/02 iOS Application Security
01/04 Python Crash Course
12/14 Learn to Program with Minecraft
11/06 The Official ScratchJr Book
10/30 The LEGO Power Functions Idea Books
10/16 Junkyard Jam Band
09/25 Doing Math with Python
09/23 Clojure for the Brave and True
09/08 The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
08/27 How Software Works
08/04 The Art of LEGO Scale Modeling
07/22 The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 3
07/14 The LEGO Architect
06/26 The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy
06/19 Beautiful LEGO: Wild!
06/11 Game Art 06/09
Medieval LEGO
04/02 Teach Your Kids to Code
12/04 Ruby Wizardry
12/03 Eloquent JavaScript, 2nd Edition
12/02 Black Hat Python
11/20 JavaScript for Kids
11/18 Lauren Ipsum
11/04 How Linux Works, 2nd Edition
10/30 The Book of CSS3, 2nd Edition
10/23 Bitcoin for the Befuddled
10/16 Android Security Internals
10/2 Rails Crash Course
9/30 Steampunk LEGO
9/26 The Book of PF, 3rd Edition
9/24 The Art of the Brick
9/19 The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Idea Book
9/17 Beautiful LEGO 2: Dark
9/10 Incredible LEGO Technic
9/4 If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript
8/26 The Art of LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Programming
8/12 Build Your Own Website
8/5 The LEGO Neighborhood Book
7/24 The Incredible Plate Tectonics Comic
6/18 The Art of LEGO Design
6/11 The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book
5/27 Penetration Testing
3/6 The Book of F#
2/11 Learn to Program with Scratch
1/30 The Principles of Object Oriented JavaScript
12/03 Perl One-Liners
11/07 LEGO Space
11/07 Ruby Under a Microscope
10/23 Super Scratch Programming Adventure! (Covers Version 2)
10/09 The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory
09/25 The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 2: More Amazing Vehicles
09/19 Beautiful LEGO
07/23 The Practice of Network Security Monitoring
07/13 Realm of Racket
06/13 The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1: Amazing Vehicles
05/13 'Geek' Publishing House Offers Books for Bitcoins
05/13 The BrickGun Book
05/13 Arduino Workshop
04/13 The Modern Web
04/13 Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition
02/13 Blender Master Class
01/13 The Book of GIMP
01/13 Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
11/12 Python for Kids
11/12 Master Your Mac
10/12 The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide
10/12 The LEGO Adventure Book
10/12 The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide, 2nd Edition
09/12 Wonderful Life with the Elements
08/12 Super Scratch Programming Adventure!
08/12 Think Like a Programmer
07/12 Ubuntu Made Easy
06/12 My New iPad, 3rd Edition
05/12 The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra
05/12 The Artist's Guide to GIMP, 2nd Edition
05/12 LEGO Heavy Weapons
04/12 FreeBSD Device Drivers
02/12 Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers, 2nd Edition
02/12 Practical Malware Analysis
01/12 The Linux Command Line