San Francisco, CA, June 18, 2013—Racket is a powerful, elegant programming language well suited for novice coders, first-year programming students, and those who simply want to write better code in any language. With this in mind, one of Racket's original creators—Northeastern University professor Matthias Felleisen—teamed up with a handful of freshman computer science students to write Realm of Racket (No Starch Press, June 2013, 312 pp., $39.95, ISBN 9781593274917), released this month by No Starch Press. Using the students' insights about learning to program, the book mixes game programming, technical explanations, and comics to make powerful programming concepts accessible to a wide audience.
Inspired by Conrad Barski's essential Lisp programming guide, Land of Lisp, Realm of Racket guides readers through the fundamentals of the language with a fun, lighthearted tone. As readers master the concepts introduced in each chapter, they'll incorporate their newfound skills into a series of increasingly sophisticated Racket-based games—ranging from the simple Guess My Number game to Hungry Henry, a complex multiplayer game. Cartoon adventures keep things fun along the way, and chapter checkpoints make sure the material sticks.
Readers will also learn to:
- Write concise and elegant functional programs
- Create a graphical user interface using the 2htdp/image library
- Create a server to handle true multiplayer games
According to Barski, "Realm of Racket does a great job of taking a beginner from zero all the way to the most advanced programming topics. I don't know of any other programming textbook that manages to do this better. If you want to learn how to develop software in the best way possible, right from the start, Realm of Racket is the book you want." Learning a serious programming language doesn't have to be a huge headache. With Realm of Racket, programming just got a lot more fun. For more information or to request a review copy of Realm of Racket, contact Jessica Miller at No Starch Press ([email protected], +1.415.830.3899) or visit www.nostarch.com.
About the Authors
Professor Matthias Felleisen is a well-known author of numerous books on Lisp, Scheme, and programming, including the classic Little LISPer (also known as The Little Schemer). Felleisen is also one of the co-founders of the Racket language and the TeachScheme! project (now known as ProgramByDesign and Bootstrap), which seeks to bring a gentle notion of algebraic programming to mathematics and science education in high schools. Felleisen is the 2012 recipient of the ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN) Lifetime Achievement Award as well as ACM's 2009 Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award. He is currently a Trustee Professor in the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. Conrad Barski has an M.D. from the University of Miami and nearly 20 years of programming experience. The author of Land of Lisp, Barski is also an avid cartoonist, having created the popular alien Lisp mascot and many graphical tutorials. David Van Horn is a research professor at Northeastern University who has programmed in Racket and Scheme for over a decade. Eight students of Northeastern University contributed to Realm of Racket: Forrest Bice, Rose DeMaio, Spencer Florence, Feng-Yun Mimi Lin, Scott Lindeman, Nicole Nussbaum, Eric Peterson, and Ryan Plessner.
Dr. Felleisen, Dr. Barski, Dr. Van Horn, and members of the student author team are available for radio, TV, print, and online interviews. Please contact [email protected].
Additional Resources
Chapter 14: Hungry Henry (PDF)
Table of Contents
Detailed Table of Contents (PDF)
Index (PDF)
No Starch Press Catalog Page
Realm of Racket
Publisher: No Starch Press
By Matthias Felleisen, David Van Horn, Conrad Barski, and Eight Students of Northeastern University
ISBN: 9781593274917, $39.95
June 2013, 312 pp.
[email protected]

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