According to No Starch Press founder Bill Pollock, “I’ve been fascinated by miniscale building since I watched a friend build an airport from a cupful of LEGO bricks. Tiny LEGO Wonders finally makes miniscale building make sense.”
About the Author
Mattia Zamboni is a fan of computer graphics, photography, and LEGO. He is the co-author of the LEGO Build-It Book series (No Starch Press), has contributed to several other LEGO books, and has been a LEGO Ambassador since 2015. He works as a researcher in the robotics lab at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, and in his free time, he pursues his passion for 3D computer graphics. Check out his work at
Tiny LEGO Wonders
Publisher: No Starch Press
Author: Mattia Zamboni
Print ISBN: 978-1-59327-735-2
Price: $24.95
Publication Date: July 2016
Specs: 208 pp., 4C, Hardcover
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Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from, or directly from No Starch Press, [email protected], 1-800-420-7240.
About No Starch Press
No Starch Press has published the finest in geek entertainment since 1994, covering topics like LEGO, hacking, science, math, and programming for all ages. Our best-selling LEGO titles include The LEGO Architect, Beautiful LEGO, and The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1. Our titles have personality, our authors are passionate, and our books tackle topics that people care about.
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