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Natalie Gleason, Marketing Associate
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No Starch Press Partners with Humble Bundle for the
Humble Book Bundle: Python Programming
Readers pay what they want for a selection of
best-selling Python programming books

San Francisco, CA (August 19, 2019)—No Starch Press, one of the world’s premier computer programming publishers, is partnering with Humble Bundle to offer a selection of the company’s best-selling Python programming books. Humble Bundle: Python Programming continues this hugely popular collaboration which has brought in millions of dollars in revenue and raised well over $1.7 million for charitable organizations and their causes.
The Python Programming Humble Bundle benefits two important charities: the Python Software Foundation and the No Starch Press Foundation.
This is the second time that No Starch Press has partnered with the Python Software Foundation for a Bundle. No Starch Press is excited to again help to support this important organization whose mission is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and support and facilitate the growth of a diverse community of Python programmers. The Python Software Foundation is devoted to advancing open source technology related to the Python programming language. The Foundation produces the core Python distribution, which is made available to the public free of charge.
“As one of the leading publishers of Python books worldwide, I’m very excited to support the organization at the core of the Python programming language” says No Starch Press Founder Bill Pollock. “Python is at the core of so much technical work today and very much at the core of our publishing program.”
No Starch Press is also excited to continue its support of the No Starch Press Foundation—a Foundation built by the company’s founder, Bill Pollock, to support the worldwide hacker community and certain STEM initiatives. Low-income and underserved populations are of particular concern to the Foundation.
This ebook bundle—valued at more than $360—includes fan favorites like Black Hat Python and Gray Hat Python, new releases like Serious Python, and the best-selling Python for Kids for the younger generation of coders.
Like all Humble Bundle promotions, customers choose how much of their money goes to the publisher, Humble Bundle, and the benefiting nonprofit. With Humble Bundle's pay-what-you-want model, readers pay whatever price they think is fair for each bundle, making it a true bargain.
The bundle works like this:
Readers pay $1 or more to receive:
Readers who pay $8 or more also get:
And readers who pay $15 or more will get all of the above, plus:
Humble Bundle: Python Programming runs for two weeks from August 19 through September 2.
About No Starch Press
San Francisco-based No Starch Press has published the finest in geek entertainment since 1994, covering topics like hacking, science, math, LEGO, and programming for all ages. Our titles have personality, our authors are passionate, and our books tackle topics that people care about. For more information, please visit https://www.nostarch.com.
About Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle sells digital content through its pay-what-you-want bundle promotions and the Humble Store. When purchasing a bundle, customers choose how much they want to pay and decide where their money goes—between the content creators, charity, and Humble Bundle. Since the company's launch in 2010, Humble Bundle has raised more than $133 million through the support of its community for a wide range of charities, providing aid for people across the world. For more information, please visit https://www.humblebundle.com.