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Press Releases: 2011 and earlier
11/11 The Manga Guide to Biochemistry
11/11 The Tangled Web
10/11 A Bug Hunter's Diary
09/11 The Art of R Programming
09/11 My New Mac, Lion Edition
08/11 The Cult of LEGO
07/11 Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide
06/11 The Book of Ruby
06/11 Practical Packet Analysis, 2nd Edition
06/11 The Manga Guide to the Universe
06/11 The IDA Pro Book, 2nd Edition
05/11 My New iPad 2
05/11 The Book of CSS3
04/11 The Manga Guide to Relativity
03/11 Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
03/11 The Book of Audacity
01/11 Create Great iPhone Photos
01/11 Eloquent JavaScript
12/10 Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred
12/10 Badass LEGO Guns
12/10 My New iPad, 2nd Edition
11/10 The Unofficial LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 Inventor's Guide
11/10 The Book of PF, 2nd Edition
10/10 Land of Lisp
10/10 Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred
09/10 The Linux Programming Interface
09/10 The LEGO Technic Idea Books
08/10 The Art of LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming
08/10 Map Scripting 101
08/10 Autotools
07/10 Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 4th Edition
06/10 Network Flow Analysis
06/10 My New iPad
04/10 The LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 Discovery Book
03/10 The Guild Leader's Handbook
03/10 The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition
12/09 LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Thinking Robots
11/09 No Starch Press Publisher Speaks Out on Hacking and Free Speech
10/09 The Book of Xen
09/09 The Book of Inkscape
08/09 The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology
08/09 My New Mac, Snow Leopard Edition
08/09 The Manga Guide to Calculus
06/09 My New iPhone
06/09 Friends with Benefits
05/09 The Manga Guide to Physics
05/09 The Blender GameKit, 2nd Edition
04/09 Gray Hat Python
04/09 The Google Way
03/09 The Manga Guide to Electricity
03/09 Growing Software
02/09 Cisco Routers for the Desperate, 2nd Edition
02/09 Network Know-How
01/09 The Manga Guide to Databases
12/08 Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts
11/08 How to Be a Geek Goddess
11/08 LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT One-Kit Wonders
10/08 The Manga Guide to Statistics
10/08 Hacking VoIP
10/08 Nagios: System and Network Monitoring, 2nd Edition
10/08 The Manga Guide Series
09/08 How Wikipedia Works
09/08 The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
08/08 FIRST LEGO League: The Unofficial Guide
08/08 The IDA Pro Book
06/08 Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 3rd Edition
05/08 The Book of IMAP
04/08 Building a Server with FreeBSD 7
04/08 My New Mac
01/08 The Book of Wireless
01/08 Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition
11/07 The Book of PF
11/07 Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition
10/07 Absolute FreeBSD Auction Benefiting The FreeBSD Foundation
10/07 The Unofficial LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Inventor's Guide
10/07 Linux Firewalls
10/07 Security Data Visualization
10/07 The Essential Blender
07/07 The Book of Qt 4
07/07 Forbidden LEGO
06/07 Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 2nd Edition
05/07 Ruby by Example
04/07 Practical Packet Analysis
04/07 Designing BSD Rootkits
04/07 Linux Appliance Designm
04/07 Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers
12/06 Code Craft
12/06 The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition
11/06 The Cult of iPod makes 2006 Communication Arts Design Annual
11/06 Inside the Machine
10/06 The Cult of Mac, new in paperback
08/06 Hacking the Cable Modem
08/06 Ubuntu Linux for Non-Geeks
06/06 The eBay Price Guide
06/06 The Art of RAW Conversion
05/06 Object-Oriented PHP
05/06 Nagios
05/06 No Starch Press Sponsors FreedomHEC
05/06 It's Never Done That Before!
04/06 Steal This Computer Book 4.0
04/06 The Book of Visual Basic 2005
04/06 PGP & GPG
03/06 The Cult of iPod Wins Design Award
03/06 Creative Computer Crafts!
03/06 Write Great Code, Volume 2
12/05 Wicked Cool Perl Scripts
12/05 Visual Basic 2005 Express: Now Playing
11/05 Wicked Cool Java
10/05 Just Say No to Microsoft
09/05 The Cult of iPod
09/05 The TCP/IP Guide
09/05 The Debian System
09/05 The eBay Survival Guide
08/05 The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide
08/05 Linux Made Easy
07/05 Ending Spam
07/05 Write Portable Code
04/05 Linux Enterprise Cluster
03/05 The Book of Postfix
02/05 Xandros and No Starch Press Ink Official Publishing Deal
12/04 Silence on the Wire
10/04 Cisco Routers for the Desperate
10/04 The Cult of Mac
10/04 Steal This File Sharing Book
10/04 Write Great Code
9/04 The Web Programmer's Desk Reference
8/04 The Linux Cookbook 2/e
7/04 The Book of Nero 6 Ultra Edition
7/04 The Spam Letters
6/04 The Official Blender 2.3 Guide
5/04 How Linux Works
3/04 The Official GNOME 2 Developer's Guide
3/04 Linux for Non-Geeks
3/04 Getting Started with LEGO Trains
1/04 Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
1/04 Apple Confidential 2.0