San Francisco, CA (December 8, 2016) — With more than a billion active users, Facebook plays a huge role in how we share our lives and connect with others. While more than half of all internet users in the U.S. are over age 65, social media can still be overwhelming for a generation that didn’t grow up surrounded by computer screens, smartphones, and the internet. Fortunately, a new book from No Starch Press promises to make it easy for boomers everywhere to use Facebook to connect with friends and family.
Facebook for Seniors ($24.95, 332 pp., full color, December 2016) is a straightforward, step-by-step guide to learning how to use Facebook. Based on the authors’ award-winning computer classes for seniors, the book’s 12 easy-to-follow, illustrated lessons will show readers how to:
- Sign up for Facebook and connect with family and friends
- Share news, messages, and photos
- Keep up-to-date with friends, send birthday messages, and see family photos
- Join discussion groups on cars, travel, investing, gardening, or whatever else interests them
- Play games
- Navigate online safety essentials like privacy protection and account security
“Half of the people on the internet aren’t millennials,” said No Starch Press founder Bill Pollock, almost a senior himself. “The Facebook interface can be confusing to those new to social media, and with Facebook for Seniors, I hope to make the world of social media more accessible and just a bit simpler.”
Facebook for Seniors will be in bookstores everywhere this month.
About the Authors
Carrie, Chris, and Cheryl Ewin have spent many years designing and delivering educational computer and technology programs for seniors. Carrie is an award-winning trainer and curriculum developer, recognized through corporate and government sponsorship for her innovative Seniors IT program. She also holds qualifications in education and psychology with a focus on learning and development. Chris is an award-winning senior’s computer trainer. He runs a successful IT business and is currently a PhD candidate in computer science. Cheryl is an experienced IT trainer with degrees and an extensive background in education, professional development, and information technology.
Facebook for Seniors
Publisher: No Starch Press
Authors: Carrie Ewin, Chris Ewin, and Cheryl Ewin
Print ISBN: 978-1-59327-791-8
Price: $24.95
Publication Date: December 2016
Specs: 332 pp., Full Color
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Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from, or directly from No Starch Press:, [email protected], 1-800-420-7240.
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