San Francisco, CA, January 19, 2011—The iPhone is one of the world's most customizable cameras. More than just a camera, it can be turned into a digital darkroom, photo-editing suite, and photoblogging tool all rolled into one. Unfortunately, most users aren't aware of their iPhone's potential, or they haven't taken the time to explore it beyond point-and-shoot snapshots.
In Create Great iPhone Photos (No Starch Press, January 2011, 224 pp., 9781593272852), technology guru Allan Hoffman's accessible how-to advice shows both casual iPhone users and serious photographers how to master the amazing world of iPhone photography. From cropping and retouching to creating comics and psychedelic art, Create Great iPhone Photos shows which apps to use and how to use them.
"The iPhone camera isn't just for taking quick snapshots," said Hoffman. "You can create panoramic images, generate sketches from photos like those from a graphic novel, or enhance your photos with retro frames and effects. You essentially have Photoshop® right in your pocket."
Using step by step examples and illustrative color photographs, Create Great iPhone Photos covers all of the best and most innovative photography apps. Readers learn how to:
- Produce stunning panoramas, vintage-style photo booth strips, and super-saturated Polaroid-style photos with a hip, 1970s look
- Unlock the secret power of the iPhone's camera with burst mode, high dynamic range (HDR) effects, exposure and focus controls, and more
- Find and install the best iPhone apps for cropping images, adjusting contrast and exposure, and editing photos to achieve eye-popping results
- Publish and share images right from the iPhone, without the need for memory cards, cables, or complex desktop photo-editing tools
With the help of the techniques found in Create Great iPhone Photos, amateur and experienced photographers alike will learn how to transform dull, mediocre snapshots into artful, professional-grade digital photographs.
Allan Hoffman is available for interviews on technology, the arts, and related subjects, including use of the iPhone and iPad for creative pursuits. He has been featured on NPR, CNN, NBC, and C-SPAN, among others. To schedule an interview or request a review copy of Create Great iPhone Photos, contact Travis Peterson at No Starch Press ([email protected], +1.415.863.9900, x100), or visit www.nostarch.com.
About the Author
For the past 15 years, Allan Hoffman has been the technology columnist for The Star-Ledger, New Jersey's largest daily newspaper, where he writes about Internet culture and trends, the iPhone, and digital photography. His work has appeared in Newsday, the New York Times, Wired.com, and many other magazines and newspapers. He maintains a photoblog at www.whatiseenow.com and spent much of his teenage years in his high school's darkroom.
Additional Resources
Chapter 5: "The Retro Look" (PDF)
Table of Contents
Detailed Table of Contents (PDF)
Index (PDF)
Catalog Page
Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from http://www.oreilly.com/nostarch, or directly from No Starch Press (http://www.nostarch.com, [email protected], 1-800-420-7240).
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