CONTACT: | Natasha Chilingerian [email protected] 415.863.9900 x301 |
Map Scripting 101—New from No Starch Press
An Example-Driven, Beginner's Guide to Building Interactive Maps with Bing, Yahoo!, and Google Maps
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San Francisco, CA, August 17, 2010—Web applications like MapQuest and Google Maps simplify the way we navigate, offering nearly instant directions to the closest dentist, auto mechanic, or happy hour spot. For developers looking to incorporate an innovative, useful tool into their application or website, an interactive map can spur interest and encourage repeat visits from users. But how does the beginning cartographer take the plunge?
Map Scripting 101 (No Starch Press, Aug 2010, 376 pp, $34.95, ISBN 9781593272715) is an example-based beginner's guide to map scripting. Author Adam DuVander delivers a cookbook of 73 immediately useful mapping scripts like a local concert tracker, a Twitter friend-finder, and a real-time weather map. And because the book is based on the cross-platform Mapstraction JavaScript library, readers can use virtually any mapping service, including OpenStreetMap, MapQuest, Google Maps, Yahoo!, and Bing.
"When I show web developers how easy it is to make insightful online mashups and maps, the most common reaction is shock and delight. I love showing readers how powerful these geographic tools can be," says DuVander.
As they make their way through Map Scripting 101, readers learn how to:
Map Scripting 101 is accessible enough for those with just a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, but even advanced programmers will learn something new. Whether readers want to mark the best brasseries in gay Paris or just map their local police blotter, Map Scripting 101 provides bloggers, developers, and designers with the knowledge they need to create useful, interactive maps.
For more information or to request a review copy of Map Scripting 101, contact Natasha Chilingerian at No Starch Press ([email protected], +1.415.863.9900, x301), or visit
About the Author
Adam DuVander writes about geolocation, web development, and APIs for Programmable Web and WebMonkey,'s web developer resource. He has presented his work at SXSW and O'Reilly's Where 2.0 conference. He lives at 45° 33' 25" N, 122° 31' 55" W (otherwise known as Portland, Oregon).
Additional Resources
Chapter 2: "Plotting Markers and Message Boxes" (PDF)
Table of contents overview
Detailed table of contents (PDF)
Index (PDF)
Map Scripting 101
by Adam DuVander
August 2010, 376 pp.
ISBN 9781593272715, $34.95 USD
[email protected]
Available in fine bookstores everywhere, from, or directly from No Starch Press (, [email protected], 1-800-420-7240).
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