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Introduction to Quantum Computing

by Andrew Glassner
May 2025, 352 pp.
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This book cuts through the hype and jargon to teach you how quantum computing really works — and the many useful things quantum algorithms can do for us when we gain more command over them. Author Andrew Glassner, a distinguished research scientist who works in film and television, is your friendly tour guide on this fascinating journey. He’ll quickly show you that the most accurate and objective way to capture the bizarre and unexpected behaviors of the quantum world is by using basic high-school math. 

You’ll learn about the true nature of quantum objects, discover how quantum algorithms are designed, and more. By the end, you’ll be ready to write and run your own quantum algorithms on quantum computers freely available online. Whether you have a professional interest in quantum computing, a personal curiosity, or simply want to stay on top of such a radical new technology, there is no better introduction to harnessing quantum mechanics to solve complex problems big and small.

Author Bio 

Dr. Andrew Glassner is a Senior Research Scientist at Weta Digital, where he uses deep learning to help artists produce visual effects for film and television. He was Technical Papers Chair for SIGGRAPH '94, Founding Editor of the Journal of Computer Graphics Tools, and Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics. His prior books include Deep Learning: A Visual Approach (No Starch Press), the Graphics Gems series, and the textbook Principles of Digital Image Synthesis. Glassner holds a PhD from UNC-Chapel Hill. He paints, plays jazz piano, and writes novels.

Table of contents 

Chapter 1: A Curious Deck of Cards
Chapter 2: Quantum States
Chapter 3: Operators 
Chapter 4: Working with Qubits
Chapter 5: Systems
Chapter 6: Measurement
Chapter 7: Teleportation
Chapter 8: Deutsch’s Algorithm 
Chapter 9: Deutsch-Jozsa’s Algorithm 
Chapter 10: Bernstein-Vazirani’s Algorithm 
Chapter 11: Simon’s Algorithm
Chapter 12: Grover’s Algorithm
Chapter 13: Shor’s Algorithm 
Chapter 14: Next Steps
Chapter 15: Notation

The chapters in red are included in this Early Access PDF.