R for All

R for the Rest of Us Cover

R for the Rest of Us

David Keyes

Learn how to use R for everything from workload automation and creating online reports, to interpreting data, map making, and more.

Math for Programming cover

Math for Programming

Ronald T. Kneusel

A one-stop-shop for all the math you should have learned for your programming career.

The Shape of Data Cover

The Shape of Data

Colleen M. Farrelly and Yaé Ulrich Gaba

This advanced machine learning book teaches algorithms through geometry, and data analysis through practical scientific applications.

Dive Into Data Science cover

Dive Into Data Science

Bradford Tuckfield

Teaches you how to collect and work with data in business settings, and how to analyze data sets using Python code.

The Book of R

Book of R

Tilman M. Davies

The Book of R is an interactive introduction to the essentials of R programming and statistics.

Statistics Done Wrong

Statistics Done Wrong

Alex Reinhart

Statistics Done Wrong shows you how to avoid errors common in modern research and perform more accurate statistical analyses.

The Art of R Programming

Art of R Programming

Norman Matloff

R is the world's most popular programming language for statistical computing. Whether you're doing academic research, designing aircraft, or forecasting the weather, The Art of R Programming is your guide to harnessing the power of R.