Part 1
Various tires
Tire size, torque, and speed of rotation
Simple motorcars
Cars That Spin Something
Push the car, and something spins
Motorcars that spin something
Cars That Move Something
Nonmotorized cars that move something
Motorcars that move something
A motorcar that lifts its tires
Part 2
Differential Gears
What is a differential gear?
Let's examine the differential gear
Each wheel moves a different distance in one turn
Building differential gears
Steering without motors
A three-wheeler that zigs and zags
Moving straight when going forward; turning when going backward
A car with a lot of gears and mechanisms that zigs and zags
A front-wheel drive car
Rubber band suspensions
Spring suspensions
A graceful suspension
Suspension for a heavy car
Suspension for a 4WD car
Part 3
Combining Vehicles with Different Bases
Putting one motorcar on one of four bases
Two cars x four bases = eight cars
One car, four combinations
Another car, four combinations
A base for making a car with big wheels
A base for making a suspension car
A base for a four-legged walker
Creating electricity by turning a motor
A base for turning on lights
Reversing After Bumping a Wall
Going forward and backward
A switch changes the rotational direction
Going forward and backward (electric)
Using Pullback and Windup Springs
A pullback spring
A pullback car
More pullback cars
Spinning a propeller with a pullback spring
Non-pullback springs
A windup spring-powered four-legged walker
A windup spring-powered two-legged walker
A spring unlocked by dropping the car
A pendulum and a spring
Part 4
A two-speed transmission
Three-speed transmission cars
A three-speed transmission
A large-scale transmission
A four-speed transmission
Changing the speed by changing the motor's rotational direction
A transmission with two motors and a differential gear
Shifting gears smoothly
Cool cars
A handcar/pump car
An off-road vehicle
Executing a J-turn
A car that runs without falling off a table
A car that moves like an inchworm